Recognize the Characteristics of a Healthy Baby

Generally, assessment of healthy babies in terms of body weight. However, weight gain in infants is not the only benchmark of a healthy baby’s condition. There are some other important signs that you recognize as a sign of a healthy baby.

Fat babies do indeed look adorable, and often become a benchmark for healthy babies, but not necessarily. The condition of a healthy baby can be measured by a variety of things. Starting from the baby’s weight gain, to social skills in interacting with others. To determine whether the baby is in a healthy state, the baby’s condition needs to be considered from various sides.

How to know the features easily

Here are ways you can recognize the characteristics of a healthy baby:

Experience weight gain

Weight gain is indeed a sign that the baby is growing healthy. Gradually, the baby’s weight will continue to increase with age. You should regularly check with your doctor for health to know its growth and development well, including information on weight gain. From birth to 6 months of age, infant weight gain is expected to range from 150-200 grams per week, and 85-140 grams per week for babies aged 6-12 months.

Be calm when near parents

The intensity of crying newborns is fairly frequent, because crying is one of the easiest ways of communication for babies. When the baby cries, give a gentle touch and invite the baby to talk like while still in the womb. This can make the baby feel calmer because he knows you are there. The baby’s attitude that begins to calm when near you, can also be a sign that the baby is healthy because his emotional development is developing well.

Interested in the world around him

When a newborn baby, at least 16 hours of time are only spent sleeping and 2 hours to suckle. This habit will change with age. When entering the age of 1 month, the baby has begun to wake up often and began to be interested in what is around him. He will look still and begin to pay attention to the face or object that you are holding. Actually the baby is trying to get to know the new world and digest the new information it sees. This baby’s interest occurs when the eye muscles begin to be controlled and see things more clearly.

Listening to the sound heard

Actually a healthy baby can hear from birth, but it takes several weeks for him to filter out the sounds he hears. When hearing has begun to develop, the baby will begin to choose which sounds attract his attention and not. The sound of a brother or father laughing cheerfully and the sound of music, possibly a voice that can attract the baby’s attention. If you see a baby reacting to certain sounds and look for the source of his voice, this is a sign that his hearing is working well.

Can interact with other people

Infants aged 1 month, can already make eye contact with others, including imitating some of the movements that you do. The ability of this healthy baby will continue to develop. Then in babies aged 2 months, he began to smile when invited to talk or joke. At the age of 4 months, the baby’s development has reached the stage of responding with an expression of laughter. Then when he stepped on 7 months, you will find your child can interact with other babies, such as seizing something held or imitating the sound of other babies. All interactions carried out by the baby are a sign of a healthy baby and are more familiar with the condition of the surrounding environment.

Babies can hold their own body weight

At the age of 1 month, generally a healthy baby can hold his own head even if only briefly. Then the baby is 3 months old, the ability to lift his head will further develop. When this can be done, the baby’s muscles are actually being stretched to develop. This stage is the baby’s developmental stage before being able to face, roll, sit and also stand.

Healthy babies tend to have growth stages that continue to develop with age. You as a parent must support the stage of growth and development with nutrition and stimulation to maintain the health of the baby. If necessary, consult your pediatrician to monitor the growth and development of healthy babies.