Signs of colon cancer in Women: 5 Common Symptoms

signs of colon cancer in women

Because colon cancer is less common than many imagine, the warning symptoms are often disregarded. You won’t experience any signs of having cancer until the disease has progressed to a late stage. In the first phases of the illness, symptoms may not be recognized. Women need regular colon cancer tests and accurate medical information about the disease’s warning symptoms. It allows for an earlier diagnosis of the illness, which in turn allows for more prompt treatment of the cancer. The danger of developing colon cancer escalates with age. People over fifty account for 90% of all incidences of colon cancer. The incidence of this disease ranks third among all cancers. A higher incidence of colon cancer is seen in this group. Colorectal cancer occurs in roughly 1 in every 25 women throughout their lifetimes. There are a wide variety of indications of what it might bring on. In this article, we will discuss the five most common signs of colon cancer in women.

Colon cancer: In detail

Cancer of the colon may originate anywhere in the big intestine or the lining of the rectum. In most cases, it takes several years to develop. Noncancerous polyps are the typical precursor to malignant tumors. It might progress to cancer if left untreated. A tissue polyp is an abnormal growth. It manifests itself as a growth on the rectal mucosa. There are benign polyps that develop into tumors. They are highly predisposed to developing cancer. You need to be aware of the various signs of colon cancer in women to catch the cancer before it spreads further. Fortunately, colon cancer therapy has come a long way and now offers a good chance of success. Preventing this kind of cancer is simple. To what end? Typically, a benign polyp is among the first signs of colon cancer in women in trouble. It is possible to prevent the development of colon cancer entirely with the early detection and removal of polyps in the colon using colonoscopy. The risks associated with colon cancer are not something that most younger adults consider. However, recent findings highlight why it’s crucial to keep an eye out for gut health issues and discuss them with your physician to prevent colon cancer in women.

Colon cancer In detail

Signs of colon cancer in women: Early detection

Colon cancer begins as a benign polyp in the colon’s lining. These tumors are the name for these enlargements. When malignant, they facilitate the spread of cancer cells via the lymphatic and circulatory systems. It spreads to other parts of the body after that. Early detection of colon cancer is challenging. Symptoms of the illness seldom appear in the early stages. The good news is that there are symptoms patients may look out for.

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1. Losing weight suddenly

Rapid weight loss is one of the most common signs of colon cancer in women. A person is said to have lost weight unintentionally if they have lost five or more kilograms within six months without being able to explain why. Colorectal cancer is a common cause of sudden weight loss. Both cancerous cells themselves and the lymphatic system’s intensive efforts to destroy them drain the stored energy in the body. Loss of appetite and satiety may result from cancer cells releasing chemicals that alter the body’s conversion of nourishment to energy. It’s also possible for a colon tumor to cause bowel obstruction if it grows big enough. Because of the disruption in bowel function, an individual may experience sudden and unexpected weight loss.

2. Feeling exhausted

Fatigue is often misunderstood as mere exhaustion. It’s normal to feel exhausted from heavy work or a lack of sleep. Fatigue may be to blame if sleep does not restore your energy levels. There are various health problems, apart from colon cancer, that can make you feel exhausted. It can be due to low hemoglobin, an increase in blood sugar level, or weak cardiac muscles.

Cancerous cells may drain all your energy from your body, which can result in drastic weight loss. Colon cancer patients may experience lethargy due to blood loss within the body. The signs of colon cancer in women are often interrelated. Weakness is only one sign of malignancy in the colon. Others may make it worse, such as unintentional weight loss and changes in bowel habits. Experiencing extreme fatigue is usually an indicator of a more serious problem. Fatigue is characterized by persistent, unexplained feelings of tiredness and exhaustion. It’s crucial to see a doctor if you’ve been experiencing symptoms that could indicate exhaustion.

Feeling exhausted

3. Discomfort in the lower Abdomen 

A sizable portion of the world’s population will, at some point in their lives, experience abdominal discomfort. Symptomatic of a broad range of mild ailments, such as ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). On the other hand, cancer is a possibility for anyone experiencing sudden, severe, and ongoing pain in the stomach. Changes in bowel movements are possible if cancer has spread to the large intestine. One of the early warning symptoms of colon cancer in women may be a dramatic shift in the normal action of the digestive system. It is linked to a variety of unpleasant sensations, including bloating, cramping, and indigestion.

4. Bloody Stool

When you observe traces of blood in your stool, it is a sign of concern. The condition should alert an individual to the possibility of having colon cancer. Traces of redness vary in intensity, from apparent to very invisible. The power of colon cancer in women is related to how far along the illness process is and where exactly it is. The stool may be extremely dark, indicating hemorrhaging. Blood in the feces is a medical emergency that requires medical attention. An occult feces test may determine the presence of blood in your feces. It may aid the diagnosis and therapy by pinpointing where the blood came from.

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After you have eliminated waste from your digestive system, red blood may be present, which may indicate rectal bleeding. In certain instances, you may also see reddish water in the washroom. Bleeding from the rectal area can be due to the development of tumors in the colon tract. It may delay the time before cancer gets discovered. Rectal bleeding is a medical emergency that requires prompt medical attention. Individuals who are above the age of 40 must be careful when observing these signs of colon cancer in women. In such cases, your doctor will probably advise you to have a thorough examination of the colon. You might have to undergo some other testing to find out the cause of the bleeding and figure out the possibility of colon cancer.

Bloody Stool

5. Changes in Colon Behavior

You might not be aware of when the polyp develops in the colon track. They cling to the colon wall, begin to grow at a steady rate, and soon become malignant. If the cancer cells are neglected, they slowly spread throughout the body. Constipation is a common side effect of tumors since the cells develop slowly. It could result in signs of colon cancer in women. When you start to experience strange stomach motions and bloating, be sure to monitor what comes out of your bowels. The consistency of the expelled waste will change to become more watery. One of the early warning symptoms of colon cancer in women is diarrhea that is runny or loose. Some people even find themselves needing to eliminate waste from the rectum on a more regular basis than others. 

The polyp forms a barrier in the digestive tract. It prevents the GI tract from working at its full potential. The body will not be able to use the nutrients from the daily food intake. Variations in the texture of stool that can not be explained by diet alone may be an indicator of a more serious problem. Symptoms of the illness might include nausea, vomiting, or loose bowel movements that aren’t caused by anything else.

Final words

Some of the signs of colon cancer in women might be easily misunderstood as being part of their periods. Consult a doctor if you have persistent tiredness or stomach discomfort and are questioning your signs. You must be conscious of your health and well-being if these signs are unusual from your usual experiences during the periods. Early detection of colon cancer increases the likelihood of successful therapy. In a positive turn of events, colon cancer incidence has decreased during the last decade. The increased frequency of bowel examinations and other tests for colon cancer is significantly helping people fight back against it. Colon cancer is the third-most frequent malignancy in the country, and early detection is crucial. A good number of these signs of colon cancer in women are easily missed. However, they might indicate a severe health issue.