Top Streaming Options That Can Replace Cable TV

For years, people have loved the art of having entertainment on a screen. We are so used to having something play on our screens while we munch on food or talk with our family. This is why; TV entertainment is never going to end. However, it may advance or become something it was not in the past –evolve but for the better. 

Thus, there are many providers now that offer cable services to stream and have content on the go, especially since we have an internet connection all around us. This is why providers now have a variety of plans and services to cater to more customers. Some providers work for families mainly, and some are business oriented with their plans and prices, others may also target students and young adults, or  single people who want an internet or cable TV connection, and are inclined towards streaming on a budget. 

One such provider that comes to mind is Optimum. This Internet Service Provider (ISP) has multiple plans to acquire with Optimum internet plans and Optimum cable for entertainment, sports, news, and 100 + channel lineup. It also offers, on-demand content or streaming TV services –everything under one name with a variety of plans and multiple tiers to choose from making it a great option. 

However, it is necessary to have internet and cable service these days and they are not your old-school services. A 69% switch has been seen amongst the customers of cable TV around the world who are switching to streaming TV. In addition, with today’s streaming services, you have the best of both worlds. There is a variety of streaming bundles to look out for and choose to replace cable TV or use these as an add-on to your internet and TV services. 

Here we have made an overall list of the many streaming services with variations in prices, services, quality, and much more, which we will discuss ahead too.

Some Of The Best Streaming Services & Their Cost: 

The Streaming Service What It Will Cost You?
Amazon Prime Video $14.99/mo.
Hulu $14.99/mo.
Disney+ $7.99/mo.
Apple TV+ $6.99/mo.
Netflix 15.50/mo.
Peacock Premium Plus $9.99/mo.
YouTube TV $64.99/mo.
Paramount $9.99/mo.

Some Unknown Niche Streaming Platforms You May Not Know About:

The Streaming Service What It Will Cost You? Main Feature Pros Cons
Full Moon  $6.99/mo. Horror film and series, action, comedy,  sci-fi, and softcore erotica
  1. Affordable
  2. Extensive library
  4. Free DVDs/Blu-ray
  1. No way to access the watchlist on Xbox One
  2. Limited titles on free DVD/Blu-ray
Brown Sugar $3.99/mo. Hit TV shows and movies, un-cut movies, commercial-free movies and shows, black cinema
  1. Chromecast and Airplay are supported
  2. Biggest data of un-cut, commercial-free content.
  3. Content from black cinema
  4. Low on cost
  1. No offline downloads
  2. Limited search functionality
  3. Less exciting contemporary material
Midnight Pulp $4.99/mo. Cult movies and shows from all over the world, hard-to-find horror films, digitally remastered Kung Fu, and exploitation movies from every decade.
  1. Available on iTunes, Google Play, Apple TV, Android TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV
  2. Free on major connected TV devices and streaming sticks
  3. Curated Collections
  4. Unlimited concurrent streams
  1. Few recognizable titles
  2. Inconsistent accessibility features
  3. Lackluster premium perks

Moving on, we detail some bundling options to make 360-degree content available for entertainment, including sports, news, and much more for an all-time fix.

The Disney Bundling: 

Disney has the most familiar form of bundling. This combines streaming services with Disney+, Hulu (with ads), and ESPN+, which comes at the cost of $13.99 per month. You can get a discount of 44% compared to buying the three separately. It could move onto the Disney+ app bundling all these under it –convenient right? 

You can also stream across your favorite devices and platforms including TV, computer, mobile, and game consoles. You can add niche categories of movies and genres with some other platforms like the ones described above and make your bundling category with the main being “Disney” and adding let’s say for example Midnight Pulp if you are a fan of classic cult movies and find it hard to find horror movies. 

Bundling with Paramount:

This is a media company itself and offers both bundling and streaming services options. The paramount owned Showtime is available to bundle with Paramount+ at a monthly fee (with ads) of $11.99, which is not too high. The cost is only $1 less than subscribing to just Showtime and you get a 25% discount for getting both. There are also talks of Showtime migrating to the Paramount+ app to make it one service. This makes it a good option to have if you are looking for a streaming service for entertainment.

Amazon Bundling: Higher In Cost But Best Overall Value

This includes YouTube TV, Disney+/ESPN+/Hulu bundle, HBO Max, Netflix, Prime Video, SHOWTIME, and Apple TV+ with 100 + channels at $184.44/mo. –ideal for a family or group of bachelors or bachelorettes living together. Students can have a 50% off ($7. 50/mo.) on Amazon Prime and get a free 6-month trial. This is made up of nine services with the customers in mind, especially with groups or large families. You will have a multitude of live channels, movies, shows, sports, and much more. You also will not have to worry about contracts, equipment, rental fees, and other hassle with cable TV services. 

However, it is just as expensive as cable TV services and offers the same content just with the lesser hassle of contracts and equipment. However, for the real streaming experience, you would invest in 4K screens and devices that work best for streaming which may cost you more than cable TV too.


So, These were some of the best plans to pick and bundle over. You can always find multiple plans that suit you and bundle the one you want, to make a customized bundle. This will however require longer research time and you might end up making a bundle over your budget. 

The best part about streaming TV is, even if it costs more, you can always cancel when you want. For example, you can cancel the service after you a show or sports season and subscribe or pay and get what you want –when you want.