10 Ways to Improve Quality Assurance with Call Center Technical Support

Call centre technical support is integral to any business that relies on technology to deliver customer products or services. To ensure that customers receive the best possible support, it is important to improve the support quality continuously.

How To Improve Call Center Quality Assurance? 

  • Determine The Organization’s Beginning Point

To choose their starting point, firms should consider what consumers think about their contact centre interaction. They should also consider how their call centre compares to rivals of comparable size.

Companies should consider including a brief poll after each contact centre encounter. This is to allow consumers to rate their customer service experience. 

This gives enterprises simple access to client feedback without needing extensive phone monitoring.

Organisations should also consider external benchmarking. This is to discover how their agent’s performance compares to other contact centres.

  • Determine What Needs to Be Addressed 

The metrics of the call center technical support may be assessed using a contact centre quality assurance system with hundreds of users. It’s tempting to want to quantify everything. This is because it’s possible. Yet, this is ineffective.

Organizations should instead concentrate on business strategies and customer service adjustments. These are required to enhance contact centre quality assurance. It is based on customer feedback. Select relevant KPIs and set acceptable, dynamic objectives in addition to external benchmarking. Work toward them while using the results of the quality assurance tool.

  • Calls Should Be Monitored Efficiently and Effectively

Call monitoring is an essential component of any quality assurance program in call center services. It is simple to overdo it and get so engrossed in listening that the goal of monitoring is diluted. The insights they need to teach their agents are missed. It is critical to understand the distinction between confusing monitoring and clear, actionable findings.

  • Examine The Calls That Are Considered Outliers

With the number of calls that come into the typical centre, listening to each live or record is difficult. Instead, an organisation should concentrate on the calls that deviate from the norm in either direction.

This covers calls that went very well or were short or lengthy and included many transfers or client encounters.

  • Taking Care of The People

When contact centre quality assurance is not managed, firms run the danger of those frontline workers becoming disgruntled and sceptical of the whole operation. Yet, call centre services should not operate in isolation. It should support training and coaching methods. It should also give performance control to agents (including their earning bonuses & potential).

It is made clear, quality assurance – and managers’ efforts to enhance contact centre quality assurance – should be applauded by everybody.

  • Involve Agents in the Development of Your QA Checklist

Involve your agents in the QA process. This gives them a feeling of ownership over the process.

Furthermore, they are on the front lines. So, they may provide recommendations for monitoring job quality and unique QA techniques.

Developing a process collaboratively generates a feeling of cooperation and togetherness. This results in a great work environment.

  • Hire The Proper Individuals and Train Them Well

It may go without saying but having the appropriate individuals on the team is critical to contact centre success. That includes supervisors who thrive at teaching. This also includes frontline agents who are motivated to learn and grow for the sake of their careers and the organization.

The agent training program should also be robust. It should include real-life examples of good and bad encounters. Training should also emphasize high-yield behaviours such as script adherence. And the net promoter score approach results in a decreased average handling time.

  • Provide Excellent Scripts

Your agents must be provided with all available tools for successful client interactions. This starts with the scripts. These scripts educate them. Significant time and money should be spent establishing hands. These should be adjusted when calls are monitored, and problems emerge.

  • Involve Frontline Personnel in Quality Assurance

Taking the effort to educate agents about quality assurance can help them embrace it rather than dread it. Use tools like real-time statistics and performance benchmarks on their dashboards. Show agents how QA can give them control over their performance. It is a terrific approach to keep them informed and encouraged.

  • Consider Both the Good and Bad Aspects

If agents only get corrective feedback from quality assurance, the whole process will be easy and smooth. Managers should have more period to reward agents for good performance and temper corrective feedback. This should be accompanied by a focus on an agent’s positives. Actionable insights should be made available by a quality assurance solution. Extra help should be provided by a quality assurance manager.

The Conclusion

Implementing strategies to improve quality assurance with call centre technical support is essential for any business that relies on technology to deliver products or services to customers. Businesses can ensure that they provide their customers with the best possible support. They can do this by training and developing their team, using a knowledge management system, and implementing a quality assurance process. Additionally, utilise customer feedback, invest in the right tools and technology, and foster a positive and collaborative work environment. This can contribute to improved support quality.