Windows 10 Start Button Not Working- Simple Tips to Sort the Problem

About Windows 10 Start Button Not Working 

The problematic issue of the Windows 10 Start button not working can hinder urgent work for any system user. Hence, it is high time to sort out this frequently occurring Windows 10 problem of the Start Button so that our work never suffers and we get a seamless experience. Moreover, we will also share some simple and easy Windows 10 tips. These tips will improve the overall performance of your system.

Without any delay, let us dive in straight to the solutions to the hanging start button issue!

How to Fix Windows 10 Start Button Not Working

1. Check on the Microsoft Account and Try A Different One! 

windows 10 start button not working

The logged-in Microsoft account in your system can also play a huge role in how the windows PC function and performs; hence, once you see that, your start button is hanging and not functioning frequently. The best thing that one windows PC user can do is to switch up his Microsoft account. This will ensure a smooth and safe run for the system and it will refresh all the files. All in all, it is best that after noticing the hanging or other similar issues, you simply log out from the existing logged-in account.

This solution can help you with a lot of similar issues that you might be facing. After you are safely signed out from the existing windows operator account, you have to log into your PC with a new account, and then, the chances are that you might not face the start button issue anymore.

2. Reboot and Re-Check the Start Button Issue

Ample of times, the long-time running windows system may find it a bit too much to handle. Be it the various open files or the backlog in processing issues. A lot of things can pent up can cause several issues on your PC. One of them being the Windows 10 Start button not working.

Hence, to resolve this, a Windows user can simply shut down and try simple rebooting for once. (Make sure to do it only after you have successfully saved and secured your work and files)
Once the windows 10 pc is shut down, all you need to do is re-open/res-start the PC again and then assess the System’s performance. You might find a drastic change in the PC’s functioning, and most likely, your start button issue will be resolve as well.

3. Check for Windows Updates

windows 10 start button not working

Any new or uninstalled System Updates on your Windows 10 PC can play a considerable role in its functioning. Hence we must keep a check on them at all times. For this issue, it is advised to the users of the windows PC to keep their windows update settings on Automatic always.

However, by any chance, if you have it turned off for some reason, then it is highly advised that you keep a constant check on it and provide your PC with the latest update available. This may take a while so take off your time and then try to apply this solution for the Start Button issue.

After this, you might also feel that your Window’s 10 overall performance has been amplified as well!

4. Remove Corrupt Files

You may not even know about it, and your system data might be covered with corrupt files. This will cause a lot of issues in the long run, and you might regularly face issues such as Windows 10 start button not working, etc. That is why it is suggested to keep up the firewall settings and a robust antivirus at all times! 

So, you have to remove corrupt files from your PC and try. To remove corrupt files, there are various programs that you can use. You can use PC cleaner software on your PC and remove the corrupt files easily.

5. Disable Cortana

Since we use Cortana on almost a daily basis while using the Windows 10 PC, it is quite evident that the files and storage of Cortana will gather up and slow down the system’s processing. For this, all you need to do is delete the heap of files in the Cache.

This will help you to free up the space and let the system function with ease. So, if you are also an avid and regular Cortana user, make sure to clean the piled up and useless files from the System.

So, you have to disable Cortana to fix Windows 10 start button not working issue. You can disable Cortana easily without any issues. Just go to the Start Menu on your Windows 10 PC, and you can disable Cortana from there.

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Now you know the basics of fixing this fundamental problem with your windows ten System. Make sure to keep these little tips and methods in mind to solve the start menu issues. These were some of the simplest ways to solve this extremely annoying issue. If any problem regarding the System or menu still bothers you, then contact windows help!