In the past few decades, Egypt tours from Australia have become prominent as these tour packages to Egypt before 2020 were an epitome of royal vacations. But, since the COVID-19 widespread has put the worldwide population at risk, it has impacted the Egyptian tourism industry in several ways. Yet, July 2020 has brought good news for Egypt lovers. Now, the Egypt Government under the guidance of the World Health Organization has declared the reopening of high-end resorts and archaeological sites for international visitors and explorers. From 1st July 2020, foreign tourists can book their flights for Egypt tours from Australia or from anywhere in the world.
Is it safe to visit Egypt in 2020?
To begin with, the CoronaVirus pandemic has transformed a free-world into a cautious one. Every industry is putting people’s safety against the virus in the first place. This crucial need of the hour is not ruled out by the Egyptian tourism as WHO has set up 10 most essential precautions to ensure the safety of tourists.
Yet, tourists’ contribution and cooperation are also significant for these rules to work out at best for everyone. So, if you are ready for Egypt tours from Australia, note the following 10 most essential precautions that you are obliged to take while visiting Egypt after COVID-19.
COVID-19 Precaution Guidelines for Egypt tours
- Stay Hygienic: Up until now, it must have been clear to everyone the way Coronavirus passes from one person to another. Thus, WHO recommends packing significant hygiene-based essentials such as hand wash or soap, hand sanitizer, and N-95 face mask. Using these COVID-19 essentials from time to time will help you to avoid the risk of disease at a personal level.
- Social Distancing: Earlier CoronaVirus, it wasn’t so important to count the distance between one person and another. But social distancing is the need of the hour. At least 1-meter distance is essential to keep. As a consequence, this 2020, you will experience a very limited number of people in or around Egypt tourist attractions than before.
- Avoid Smoking: When it comes to Egypt tours, tourists desire to experience everything. Yet, smoking is one of the experiences that you must avoid in order to protect yourself from displaying any symptoms of COVID-19. To begin with, Smoking from Shisha, which is very prominent in Egypt, can weaken your lungs if your immune system is not strong enough. Therefore, consider it for the next trip, probably when COVID-19 risk decreases in the times to come.
- Distance from yourself: No, we are not talking about maintaining a distance from yourself at a mental level, however, physical. If you are in public, coronavirus may spread from touching. If you have coronavirus on your hand (or not, you don’t know that!) it is crucial not to touch your face, mouth, or nose. And, if you are doing so, keep washing and sanitizing your hands from time-to-time.
- Follow tour guide: The Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities in Egypt has now invested in strengthening the tourism industry against COVID-19 by training thousands of tour guides. You must follow the guidelines that your tour guide offers. A tour guide will definitely help you and others to maintain a safe distance.
- Eat at a Healthy and hygienic location: What food and how you are eating defines your healthiness and personal risk of Coronavirus! While on Egypt tours from Australia, you must not consider eating at a local restaurant. It is fine if the place offers take-away food. But, if the restaurant is congested, try finding a restaurant that is COVID-19 safety assured.
- Keep others’ safety in mind: Yes! It is important for every tourist in Egypt to keep himself/herself covered by others. But, there’s another aspect to this precaution as well. If you are coughing, sneezing, experiencing a dry throat, or fever, you must maintain a distance from other people immediately. Wear a face mask if anyone is around you, even a doctor!
- Elderly restrictions: Although, The Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities in Egypt has not specifically banned the elderly from booking Egypt tours from Australia, yet, you must wait for the COVID-19 vaccine to be invented before visiting Egypt. The reason being, the Elderly are at a higher risk of coronavirus because of their not-as-strong immune system. Therefore, your patience will work out best for you and everyone.
- Maintain an Itinerary: First of all, while booking Egypt tours from Australia, it is recommendable to figure the entire trip out. For example, book a COVID-19 assured hotel, hygienic places to eat, and of course, be airport ready. If you are planning a family trip to Egypt amid COVID-19, make sure to book rooms as per the “2 people in one room” rule. Also, don’t arrange a kid’s stay with the elderly.
- Responsibility of All: During the CoronaVirus pandemic, it is one’s sole responsibility to keep himself and everyone around him safe. You must read the instructions before visiting any foreign attraction in Egypt. If you see anyone around you not following the rules, you yourself take the extra mile to save other people by following all rules.
Best Offers: Egypt Tours from Australia
- You can book Egypt tour packages from 1st July to October and visit Egypt on a Tourist visa.
- From 1st to 15th of July 2020, Egypt Air or Air Cairo customers can avail best discount offers on flights.
- Landing and boarding fees for airliners are now 50% off.
- Ground service fees for travelers are now 20% lower.
- High-end Egypt tourist attraction sites offer a 20% discount.
Is it the best time to visit Egypt?
If you are following all the noted guidelines by The Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities in Egypt, WHO, and the Egyptian government, you are safe. But, avoiding guidelines can put your health and others at risk as well. Hence, in 2020, Egypt tours are not simply about fun, but also, adopting a healthy and hygienic way of living. In case you need any type of medical attention, dial 105, 137, 123, or 15335 for medical emergency requests. Also, inform your accommodation authorities to establish facilities for quarantine. We wish you good luck for your trip.