A monkeypox is a virus infection characterized by festering nodules on the skin. This disease is found in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria. However, on May 9, 2019, the Singapore government reported that the disease is located in Singapore.
At first, the disease of the monkeypox has a symptom similar to chickenpox, namely aqueous natives. As the disease progresses, the aqueous stares turn into pus and cause bumps in the neck, underarms, or groin due to the swelling of the lymph glands.
The monkeypox is a disease that can be transmitted from person to person, but the main source is rodents and primates, such as rats, squirrels, and infected monkeys.
A monkeypox is a very rare disease, but can attack anyone. The disease was first discovered during an outbreak in Africa in the 1970’s.
Causes of Monkeypox
The disease of the monkey pox is caused by viral monkeypox, which spreads through the splash of saliva sufferers, which enters through the eyes, mouth, nose, or wounds on the skin. In addition to the saliva splash, transmission can also go through contaminated objects, such as the sufferer’s clothing. Even so, the transmission from human to human is limited and requires long contact.
The transmission of the monkey Pox initially occurs from animals to humans, namely through the marks or bite of infected animals monkeypox virus, such as monkeys or squirrels. In addition to the claw or stutterous, exposure to the body’s fluids directly or through contaminated objects can also cause a person to be infected with a smallpox.
Symptoms of a monkey pox
Symptoms of a monkey pox will appear 5-21 days since the sufferer is infected with virus monkeypox. The early symptoms of chickenpox are:
- Fever
- Chills
- Fatigue or weakness
- Headaches
- Muscle aches
- Swelling of the lymph nodes (in the form of lumps in the neck, armpits, or crotch)
The early symptoms of this monkey smallpox can last for 1-3 days or even more. After that, the rash will appear on the face and spread to other parts of the body, such as the arms and limbs.
The resulting rash will evolve from the liquid-filled nits to the pus, then rupture and crusty, then cause ulcers on the skin’s surface. This rash will last up to 2-4 weeks.
When to go to a doctor
On May 9, 2019 the Singapore government announced there was 1 case of a monkey smallpox in Singapore. Until this article is published, there has been no report on the transmission of smallpox monkeys to other sufferers.
Immediately go to the doctor if you feel symptoms such as chicken pox, which is emerging aqueous natives, especially when:
- The bintil changed to contain pus
- New Vacation from Singapore
- There are contacts with monkeys or squirrels
Some countries that until today still have the case of the monkey Smallpox is the Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria. For information, sufferers of monkey smallpox in Singapore are a Nigerian citizen. Consult a doctor if you have symptoms of a monkey pox after travelling to both countries.
Diagnosis of the Monkey pox
In the early stages of the examination, the doctor will examine the symptoms and types of rash. The doctor will also inquire about a history of travelling from a country with a case of chickenpox.
The appearance of the rash alone does not indicate the chicken pox, so the doctor needs to do an advanced examination to see the presence of viruses in the body, namely through:
- Blood test
- Throat wipe Test
- Skin biopsy (skin tissue sampling to be examined by a microscope)
Monkeypox Treatment
Treatment of a monkeypox is done to relieve symptoms that arise. The doctor will provide paracetamol medications to relieve fever and pain, as well as ask the sufferer to rest to accelerate the healing process.
In addition, patients are also encouraged to consume a lot of fruit, vegetables, whole grain, low-fat milk, and grain as an energy intake in fighting infections.
The disease of the monkey pox can be contagious from person to person, although the spread in this way is limited, and 1 in 10 sufferers risk dying. Therefore, the sufferer needs to be treated in isolation chamber to obtain monitoring from the doctor and prevent the spread of the disease.
Until now, there has been no cure for the monkey pox. Chickenpox can heal itself with resistance from the sufferer’s immune system.
Monkeypox Complications
Monkey pox has a high cure rate. Although rare, this disease can still lead to complications. Less than 10% of sufferers can even experience fatal complications.
Complications of smallpox monkey include:
- Dehydration
- Bacterial infection
- Lung infection
Monkeypox Prevention
The main prevention of smallpox monkey is to avoid direct contact with primates and rodents, such as monkeys and squirrels, or people who are infected. In addition, several other preventive steps that can be taken are:
Be diligent in washing your hands with soap and water, or alcohol-based hand sanitizers, especially before eating, touching your nose or eyes, and cleaning wounds.
Avoid sharing cutlery or using the same bed linen with people infected with monkey pox.
To prevent transmission, doctors can administer variola vaccine, especially for medical workers who treat monkey pox patients. In addition to variola vaccination, medical staff also need to wear personal protective equipment when treating patients.
Variola or smallpox is a disease that has disappeared since 1980. Although variola is a different disease from monkey pox, the variola vaccine has proven to be quite effective in preventing monkey pox. Given the disease that has been destroyed, the availability of this vaccine is also limited.
If you have a pet that is suspected of being infected with the monkey pox virus, contact your veterinarian immediately and do not allow the animal to roam. Keep in mind, use gloves when going into contact with these pets.